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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Spinning Dog

Here is the spinning dog. Still waiting for Mom and Dad to be able to sort out their lives. He is circling all the time now and Mom and Dad would love to give him a home. They can't because they can't even find a home for themselves. There are so far no cheaper properties to rent at all. The people who all lost their homes in the disaster have rented evrything in that bracket. There are many cheap houses for sale for as little as $20,000 a small shack can be bought with enough land for all of us rescue dogs here. It seems so little to solve the problems here. If we had $1000 per dog then we would have a home for life for them.  Mom keeps trying but it is getting very difficult to survive like this and she is extremely stressed and thin. Dad just walks around wearing a very worried face. We all know something is up. They are going forward with the charity status but it will take a couple of months probably to sort out. Dad visited him yesterday and tookhim for a walk. On he leash he walked perfectly. He always spins in the same direction. Jessie had similar neurological problems and did recover. He may not recover but may improve with constant therapy. Mom just wants to bring him home and give him a hug.

Meanwhile the spinning dog who has neurological problems caused by distemper awaits us. Mom is so sad things have come to this. Mom did everything for us dogs and now needs an Angel to save us all. We all pray everyday for life to go back to normal. Since January 12th 2011 nothing is the same. When it rains everyone is afraid. Mom is still fighting for us and trying to get someone influncial to back our cause and help us raise funds to survive. It is difficult though. Everything is a problem when you don't have a net to catch you when you fall. One day we might have good news let's hope so. Meanwhile the battle for survival goes on. 


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Wish we knew what to do too. Still thinking but all of our ideas have failed. Still thinking and praying

Dogs in Brazil said...

Hi Foley and Pocket. You have been our support for so long since the early days and the disaster. We love you and appreciate everything you tried for us. You are Angels. Never stop supporting the underdog. The underdog always needs help and you helped us so much. thank you.

Dogs in Brazil said...

Hi Foley and Pocket. You have been our support for so long since the early days and the disaster. We love you and appreciate everything you tried for us. You are Angels. Never stop supporting the underdog. The underdog always needs help and you helped us so much. thank you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That poor dog! We continue to pray for a positive solution for all of you!