Friday, August 19, 2011

Update on Daisy the Little White dog

Here is Daisy waiting to see a vet. Dad is home now so we heard the full story. She had lived around a group of houses for a long time. Everybody knew her. She used to chase motor cycles and the riders used to kick her as she snapped after them. She was run over twice by vehicles. She also had many fights with other dogs in the street. The people from this small community kept her going with food nobody could afford a vet and they all came out of their houses and cheered when Dad took her away to the vets. Someone said God will Bless him and others said God will help him. We hope so! We have faith and we will get there in the end. Daisy had two litters of pups and one litter was seven males. Nobody is sure what happened to all those pups who are long gone. The vet hasn't seen her yet she will be seeing her about now. She had to have a bath and shave because she was so matted. She is very dirty with ticks and fleas too.

She look s just so sad and forlorn neglected and in need of serious love. We are hoping the leg can be repaired but in most cases we have seen they end up permanently crippled like Nicki.

This is the lady that does the grooming or Banho e Tosse as they say here.

That is the ladies assitant not mom watching.

When a lot of the matted fur came off we had a big surprise.
This is amazing. The dog is black and white not cream coloured. The white was so dirty it went beige and the black looked like oil or more like dirt. So folks when you see a black and white dog it's her not an imposter. She is going to have blood tests for tick disease and other things and probably an x ray to see if anything can be done about her mangled leg. Well folks one more for the pack. She seems like a real sweet dog she didn't bite anyone bathing her or helping her. We think she will be a super happy baby one day. She is still very frightened and doesn't know whats going on but once she gets out of the clinic, if she doesn't have distemper she will begin a new life with love. We have a lot of worries but we are still so happy to have saved one more. Each one counts and there is some happiness in rescue work. Believe me I have seen it! 


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am so happy that the little dog has been found. I am going to put a link on my blog to this blog on Monday. Of course no one reads my blog but if they start it will take them to your blog.

Dogs in Brazil said...

Thanks Foley and Pocket we read your blog! It cheeers us up!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Poor Daisy has had a hard life, Looks like that is changing now. We hope she is healthy.

chandra said...

Talk about a makeover!!! What a shock! And at the same time how cool is that she is going to be able to totally leave her outward appearance of a street dog behind her!

I love love love that the folks who helped her cheered Dad! I'm cheering him as well.

-Chandra at Daley's Dog Years