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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Update Brazil Floods

Today dad went out and tried to get to the bakery. It was impossible because many roads are blocked with heavy road cleaning machines, or still impassable. There are still electric cables, trees and mud everywhere.
The shops don't have many fresh foods. He came back quickly and luckily managed to get our food. Mom and Dad have food in the freezer, so we survived another day. Now it is raining torrentially again, so it is probable that the death toll will rise again tonight. We have thunder and lightning and electricity at this moment. The forecast was for light rain, but this is torrential again and will fill the rivers again quickly. The kennel dogs are all fine and still coming out during the day to play. Mom has to change all their bedding everyday because it is so wet. They wander around and then lay down soaked on their beds and wet everything again. The lawn is a swamp! Lets all pray for the rain to stop now. I hate it. Mom is worried about all the displaced animals when this is over. Let's not forget Guga's girlfriend. She is still out there alone in all this. Say a special prayer for her too. The black dog, who knows? dad only saw him twice. Mom has not taken anymore pictures because she has not been out. There is no where to go until it is all over one way or another.


Chandra said...

Thinking of you all, Emmy! And wishing with all our might that the rain stops so that people and animals can begin to recover. Sending big warm hugs to you, Mom, Dad, Guga and the pack!

I posted about your Mom and Dad's efforts, and the current situation in your region, today for the "Blog the Change for Animals" event so I'm sure there are also good thoughts coming your way from the pet blogging community.

-Auntie Chandra at Daley's Dog Years

Lavinia said...

I'm coming after the post about you at Daley's Dog Years... I'm really sad about the situation you and your dogs are in. I hope that you will get through it safely and also find Guga's girlfriend.

You are doing a wonderful thing caring for all those dogs...

KimT said...

I heard from Daley's Dog Years about what you are doing - you may be surrounded by sorrow and tragedy, but remember the bright hope you are bringing to as many as you can! You are angels. Be safe.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Saying a prayer for all of you at this time.